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PostHeaderIcon Eventful time off the water

15 January, Day 4
Barry’s wrist is swollen so we’re having a rest day today – a shame as the sea is very calm. During the night  Barry’s kayak was stolen by a protester against the rise in gas prices. They have blocked the way to the ferry and one of them wanted to put the kayak on a fire.

5 Responses to “Eventful time off the water”

  • Dan and Kay says:

    We are following you closely from a damp and windy Wales. It is great you have managed to get underway! I hope you have been successful in wrangling Barry’s kayak back and preventing its fiery death. I guess the soon you get away from roads and the protesters the better! Good luck!

  • ARK says:

    Lamento muchísimo todos los inconvenentes que están teniendo. Lamentablemente en estos paises tercermundistas dirigidos y manipulados por ignorantes suceden todos los días este tipo de cosas con las que , lamentablemente, los que vivimos, trabajamos y pagamos impuestos debemos convivir. Esperemos que en Argentina tengan mejor fortuna, cruzaremos los dedos por ello.

  • Cova says:

    Justine, I hope things get better for you and Barry in this great adventure.
    To ARK : paises tercermundistas como Argentina tb, no lo olvides. No sea prejuicioso, habla muy mal de Ud y de su país. Cosas suceden en ambos paises y la vida es así. hay que estar ahí para entender la magnitud del problema. Asi es que tome su camarita y siga sacando fotos y deje los problemas de mi país a mi país. Suerte con la corrupción en el suyo.

    Justine and Barry. The best of luck and sorry for the kayak episode. I hope it gets better.

  • carmelo says:

    C’mon guys, the night is over.

  • Steve says:

    Good luck, you two. I hope the protests, blockades, and civil unrest cease to become a bother. Lord knows the weather is bad enough. Stay strong for each other.