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PostHeaderIcon Magic Paddle

Our lunch breaks have started to get a lot shorter as the nip of Winter seeps into our drysuits, but I love this time of year for paddling. The sea is still warm & the light is beautiful on the clear, crisp days. There isn’t as much daylight but that makes me get out and appreciate what there is.

Today, Baz and I went to the Skerries and enjoyed a bouncy ride from Cemlyn into the wind. I smiled as waves bounced off my kayak and splashed me in my face. I love a lively sea.

At the island, lots of seals swam around looking at us curiously. Two of them started fighting just behind Barry – not realising I was behind them. I got an ‘almost great’ photo of it!

As we pulled our kayaks onto the beach, the sun disappeared and it started raining. We took shelter in one of the buildings on the island, and as soon as our sandwiches were gone, we headed back down to the boats.

The journey back was much calmer with the wind and tide – although typically the wind had also dropped now it was almost behind us! We took a detour to the Victoria Bank buoy before ferry gliding back to Cemlyn.

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