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PostHeaderIcon What a Dive!


Making a rolling DVD is a new experience for me, and for Cheri & Turner. In our search for clearer shots of the more advanced rolls, I had a crash course in diving from Trevor, who showed me how to breathe safely while diving straight down in shallow water.

After a short lesson on the sea, we headed to Comox Lake where the water is green and clear. Cheri put the scuba kit together for me, and I sunk down under the surface with my video camera in it’s waterproof housing. Co-ordinating things with Cheri & Turner was tricky – you can’t say ‘too close, or turn your bow 45 degrees to the right’ when you are a couple of metres below the surface (or at least, it wouldn’t be a good idea with breathing apparatus in your mouth, and no-one would hear you anyway!). But I was able to point the camera in the right direction and get some well-framed shots. Obviously whenever I breathed, a trail of bubbles shot to the surface in front of my lens so I had to time breathing in between rolls! Combine that with a brisk wind creating a current and kicking up a bit of sediment and all in all, it wasn’t as ‘easy’ to get great shots as we imagined it might be. But we did get some good images to go with some very clear water footage we already have from Sicily’s Aeolian islands last year.

“This is the Roll” is out November this year. Keep checking the blog or the Cackle TV facebook page for more information.

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