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I’m back in Wales after lots of great skiing & ski touring. I experimented with filming ski touring a bit and might show some results when I get round to editing it. I am considering a ski touring DVD at some point in the future, but not for a while! There’s some paddling to be done first!

The flowers and buds are telling me it’s Spring but there was a dusting of snow on the Welsh mountains yesterday! Not enough to satisfy any withdrawl symptoms but I did put an extra jumper on! Now I need to catch up with work and I’m looking forward to some seakayaking. Barry & I will be going to the Jersey seakayaking symposium in a couple of weeks which I’m really looking forward to. We’ll be helping out during the weekend and then staying on to do some trips to the other Channel islands for the following week.

“This is Canoeing” DVD is continuing to be popular. There are quite a few reviews still coming out on the internet and in magazines. 

You can read about it in Norwegian on

There’s a Dutch review on – I don’t understand it except the title says ‘must see’ so that can only be a good thing!

Kanu magazine in Germany published a review in the magazine and on their website – the website review can be read here in German. The latest issue of Kanu magazine also features a 4-page interview with me about all my DVDs, paddling trips and background. There are links to other reviews on this page on my website and there is due to be something about “This is Canoeing” published in sevearl other magazines including the next edition of “Canoe & Kayak” magazine

There’s also a short feature about me in the latest issue of “Canoeroots” magazine. They kindly profile me as one of their canoeists of 2010 due to my making “This is Canoeing”. Eric Simula, the Birchbark Man in “This is Canoeing” is on the cover of the magazine & the editor Scott Macgregor writes about being filmed with his 4-year old son down the Petawawa river for the film “Dougie Down the Pet”. This film is proving to be one of the most popular of the 12 films on the DVD double disc set & won best professional documentary at the National Paddling Film Festival in the US.

If you buy ‘This is Canoeing” you get a years free on-line subscription to ‘Canoeroots‘ magazine and ‘Rapid‘ magazine, although the current issues of all their magazines are free for anyone to read on-line. Just go to the websites. “Canoeroots” is here, and “Rapid” magazine is here & “Adventure Kayak” is here.

Rapid Media has also launched a new product, Rapid TV. There are 2 episodes already on-line to watch for free on the Rapid Media You Tube Channel. They are regular webisodes featuring interviews with people in the industry, gear reviews & funny film. If you’re not bored of me after all these links (!) then there’s a short interview with me talking about “This is Canoeing” in the first episode. The 2nd episode features a review of the GoPro video camera & a funny short with Kevin Callan about camping.

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