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PostHeaderIcon Puffins & seals at Puffin island

On  Sunday we paddled to & around Puffin island. The seals were as friendly as usual – this one spent about a minute howling at my stern toggle. I don’t know if she was frustrated by the toggle on the ‘Atlantic LV’ being on top of the kayak, rather than dangling down like on most kayaks. I enjoyed the attention, whatever the reason. Another seal ( or perhaps the same one) took a real interest in my paddle – maybe she liked the colour blue?

We also saw 5 puffins so hopefully they are making a comeback on the island since the rats were exterminated. And 2 black guillemots which we don’t see very often around this way.

2 Responses to “Puffins & seals at Puffin island”

  • Heather Zaveda says:

    I was wondering if you came across a bunch of cadets from Canada. I believe they were there around the same time you were. It is nice to see your pictures because she is not home yet. Can’t wait to see her pictures. I can travel through your pictures and now maybe Natasha’s pictures, thank you.

    Heather Zaveda
    Gatineau, Quebec

  • james bate says:

    I have been using a gopro on my kayak for a while. I have been using products intended for car windscreens, to reduce the problem with condensation inside the housing and water droplets on the lens cover. On the lens cover part of the housing I use a product that is intended for the outside of windscreens which encourages the water to be removed. On the inside of the housing anitfog solution which is intended for the inside of car windscreens does the trick.


    James B