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PostHeaderIcon Volcano kayaking

Having a great time at the MAREMOTU seakayaking symposium on Sicily’s Aeolian islands. How can you go wrong with a setting like this! This is the view from the top of the active crater on ‘Vulcano’ island. Barry and I have run sessions on ‘fun and balance’ and ‘rock gardening’ but the emphasis here is really on fun and relaxation with some learning and kayaking thrown in. oh, and did I mention eating and enjoying a few drinks. Cheri Perry and Turner Wilson are here teaching rolling and it’s been great to hang out with them. Also Roger and Sonja from ‘Coastal spirit‘, a seakayaking company 5 minutes down the road from us in Wales. It’s great to see more of them than we usually do, despite living so close. Roger has been running BCU 4 star and 3 star courses.

now we are going on a tour of the islands for 4 days, aiming to end up on Stromboli, the other active volcano in the archipelago. It emits lava regularly and we’ll climb up the volcano in the evening to see the red lava being spat out at night. There was a kayak race yesterday – barry and I competed covering the 3.6 miles in under 45mins – I forget the exact times but Barry came 3rd ( after 2 people in epic 18 racing kayaks) and I came 4th so we were pleased.

better go and get my breakfast before packing my kayak for the tour!

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