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PostHeaderIcon Menorca – here we come!

It’s a jet setting month for me – I’m only recently back from Sicily and today I head to Menorca. Well, you’ve got to admit that a slightly warmer climate is very attractive at this time of year! And direct, affordable flights from Manchester to Menorca make it far too tempting.

This time I’m visiting the Med with the very accomplished Sarah Outen. Sarah has already rowed across the Indian ocean and is in training for the even bigger mission of circling the globe. There are a couple of oceans called the Atlantic and Pacific that she hasn’t rowed across yet so that’s on her list! And to link them together she’ll cycle over the non-watery sections known as Europe, Asia and America. Where do I fit into that? There are a few watery sections which are more suited to a kayak than an ocean-going rowing boat so I’ve been asked to join Sarah for some of those.

In the meantime, we are heading to Menorca for a week to do some kayaking training. Apart from getting to know each other, if the weather is good enough we plan to kayak around Menorca. If the wind plays ball then we also hope to kayak across to Mallorca, but we’ll see. I’m looking forward to turquoise waters, impressive cliffs, a myriad of caves, meeting new friends and hopefully a bit of sunshine!

We are using kayaks and local knowledge from Carlos & Teresa from “Menorca en Kayak“. They offer rentals, courses and guided trips on the island & I’m looking forward to meeting them!

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