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PostHeaderIcon Back in the Saddle

Last weekend, we went seakayaking for the first time for a month – having given Barry’s wrist another good chunk of time to heal. We managed 2 short paddles. Yesterday we went on a longer paddle around the Stacks. Things are moving in the right direction and it was great to be back seakayaking at home in Wales.

The doctor suggested that Barry take a giant ball on the back of his kayak so if his wrist suddenly fails, he will be prevented from capsizing all the way over. Yes, of course that is a load of rubbish and I just made it up! We found the mooring buoy at the back of Parliament House Cave when we stopped for lunch. Barry’s friend was about to buy one for his boat so we saved him a bit of money and brought this one back for him! Needless to say, we didn’t stop for a surf in South Stack race with the buoy in tow.

Less than 2 weeks until Sarah Outen starts her 3-year human powered journey around the globe. I’m looking forward to kayaking from London to France with her – kick off is 1pm on 1st April at Tower Bridge.


3 Responses to “Back in the Saddle”

  • Marcus says:

    The doctor who gave the advice to put a big red balloon on Barry’s stern is, to say the least, very ill informed. This is irresponsible.It shows how behind the level of health care is in the UK. My questions:

    – How did he come up with this advice?
    – And based on what scientific evidence?
    – How can one expect the healing of a wrist problem with a red balloon attached to one’s Stern?

    I am shocked to read this bogus advice from this so-called doctor.

    Every single doctor I spoke to today, and being a doctor myself, said the only place to attach the red balloon would be of course the BOW section of Barry’s kayak to provide ideal healing conditions of Barry’s wrist.

  • Monica says:

    Here we are so happy to hear and see that Barry is paddling again. This kind of news is a very good one and we share the feeling of ease, happiness and relief for you both. Amigos besos a los dos!
    Moni, Lara, Marcelo and Pipi…

  • Kiko says:

    Es bueno ver a Barry de vuelta al mar, eso dice que la muñeca de Barry esta mejorando….con esa boya no te pierdes Barry!!abrazos! Kiko