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PostHeaderIcon Kayaking London to Dover

Sarah Outen and I made it from Tower Bridge, London to Kingsdown, a few miles north of Dover in 45 hours.  it’s a little over 80 nautical miles so that’s pretty good going! we’re tired as a result of it as we paddled 6 hours on, 6 hours off, with the tides. It was mostly fun – strangely! Exciting to be kayaking at night in quite a few knots of tide on the Thames, snatching sleep when we can….

We were looking forward to a good nights sleep before crossing to France tomorrow (monday) but it was not to be. The wind is due to pick up tomorrow so we have to cross tonight. ETA at our support boat in 45minutes so I’ll not write more now. I am eating fish and chips, packing and collecting myself. There may be updates overnight on Sarah’s website,

There has been lots  of photos, publicity, and video about the trip so far.Do a search on the internet if interested. Here are a couple of links.

You can watch a film of the launch day here.

I edited a quick and very rough film of us paddling from Tower Bridge to Gravesend on Friday which you can see here.

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