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PostHeaderIcon Rescues & St Kilda DVD with Gordon Brown


Cackle TV is selling a limited number of the new DVD, “Seakayak with Gordon Brown volume 2” which has just been released.

The DVD covers a range of different rescues performed by the charismatic Scottish Level 5 coach, both on flat water and in more challenging conditions. I saw a preview copy and was impressed with the amount of material covered and with the clear explanations of how to perform the rescues. The DVD is well structured and had a few new ideas in it which I hadn’t seen before. I first met Gordon 14 years ago when I had just started seakayaking. He was one of the instructors at the Jersey sea kayak symposium which I was attending and  remember being impressed by his skills in a kayak and his coaching. Since then he’s set up his own company Skyak Adventures, where he  coaches full time with his wife Morag.

The other part of the DVD is a journey to the beautiful islands of St Kilda off the NW coast of Scotland. St  Kilda is right up there on the list of places that I’d like to kayak as there is something so majestic about the steep cliffs rising defiantly from the sea so far from any other landmass. The remoteness of the islands, the ancient buildings and the thousands of circling gannets add to the appeal. In the DVD, we see Gordon leading a group of paddlers on a tour of the islands with stunning scenery for a backdrop. We also learn something about the history of the island & see footage of the first kayak crossing to the islands by Hamish Gow, long before I was born!

You can watch the instruction intercut with the journey, or chose to watch one of the other by themselves. In total, there is over 2 hours of footage. I think it’s a compliment to the film that Barry and I sat down to watch it late at night when we were tired and watched it all in one go. Overall, I’d say if you want to learn more about rescues then this is a great DVD to buy.

In the bigger scheme of things, here at Cackle TV, we are committed to continue to produce our own quality DVDs and right now I am working on our first instructional DVD, “This is the Roll” which we aim to release before Christmas this year. Next year, there will also be a “This is the Sea 5” and an instructional DVD giving advice & tips to people who want to go on overnight seakayaking trips or longer expeditions. Over the last year or so, we’ve noticed that many people like to come to our webstore to see what DVDs are available so we’ve started to search out products that we like and to sell more of other people’s seakayaking and canoeing DVDs and books alongside our own. If this continues to be popular then we’ll continue to do it, and we may become more of a one-stop shop for people looking for kayaking DVDs for themselves of for presents. So please keep checking out the store and see what you can treat yourself, or a friend to!

Click “add to cart” to buy ‘Seakayak with Gordon Brown’ for £19.99 with free postage worldwide.




or visit our webstore to see what else we have on offer. We still have an amazing offer where you can buy any 3 DVDs for £45, or US$ 80.95

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