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PostHeaderIcon Resting is tiring!

Resting has been keeping us busy for a few days in Ushuaia!

Aswell as eating & sleeping, Barry and I have been meeting people, being tourists & exercising! We went to an asado at one of the 2 kayak clubs here to celebrate Marcelo and his friends completing their paddle from Punta Arenas to Ushuaia. Barry was much braver than me and tried ‘tripa’ (tripe). The smell was bad enough to put me off, but Barry threw a chunk into his mouth without a sniff and spent the next 15 minutes trying to chew it. I think the words “never again” were uttered!

When we landed in Ushuaia we met 2 Swedish guys who left home 2 years ago to sail the world on their yacht Nemo. We walked down to the marina to take them up on their offer of a hot drink and spent a pleasant hour chatting. While in the harbour, I bizarrely spotted someone I know who had just been to Antarctica and climbed 9 unclimbed peaks! Phil Wickens was on the “Spirit of Sydney” yacht which goes to Antarctica several times a year – and took Andrew McCauley, Stu Trueman & Laurie Geoghean over when they kayaked down the Antarctic peninsula (buy the download of the award winning film of their journey here). Or buy it on This is the Sea 3.


Yesterday we went to Estancia Harberton – the first farm in Isla Grande, set up by Lucas Bridges. It was really interesting to look around the old buildings at the dated machinery they used to use to sheer the sheep, wash their clothes and cut the wood, and to learn a bit more about the history of the area.

Today, we took a walk with local teacher, climber and paddler Anna Tibaudin up to Le Martial glacier, which rests on the peaks above Ushuaia. Great to get the legs working again.

In a few more days, we’ll start paddling again… blog on that to follow.



One Response to “Resting is tiring!”

  • Islandwatcher says:

    Glad to see you’re getting some R’n R ! Hope Barry’s wrist is bearing up OK.
    I managed to escape from Enlli for a couple of days this week and Ben and I went ’round the Snowdon Horseshoe…with snow ! Bonus!
    Keep safe…have fun.

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