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The first feedback on “This is the Roll” is appearing on blogs, Facebook and in my ‘inbox’!

Here is what people are saying about the new DVD.

So happy , So happy, So happy. An awesome DVD showed up in my mailbox yesterday. Have been trying to watch between customers. So far it is the most descriptive tutorial i have seen. So to put it simply…it rocks!!!!! Or is that “rolls”

Wonderful job on the new video. Maybe this will finally help me get that blasted storm roll. Thanks! 😉
“What a fantastic DVD ! I thought it was going to be good but it has surpassed my expectations. I hope I don’t look too silly now sitting in my kayak in the garden with the DVD playing on my laptop. Well Done !”
Just received and had initial viewing of ‘This is the Roll’ DVD …love it,entertaining informative and just makes you want to practice :-)”
“Brilliant Justine – it is excellent! I like the pace and the way it is organised and the clear and detailed explanations from Turner. It looks great – love the titles”.
“Got the DVD today and had a go at the first chapter this evening. Already have loads of ideas to look for during the next exercises. Spoken instructions are nice & clear, even for us non-english folks. The editing with highlights & arrows makes it even more obvious. Learning it this way would surely lead to less frustration, compared to the “sweep, hipflick and PULL” instructions I had in the pool”.
If you’ve got a copy then please let us know what you think.
If you’ve not got a copy and want one then you can order from our webstore – or from your local paddling shop.

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