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PostHeaderIcon 2012 Sea Kayaking expeditions


This year many people are heading out for adventures in their sea kayaks. It seems like paddlers are taking on more and more ambitious journeys. Here’s a round up of the current trips I could find.

Keirron & George are in the Aleutian islands attempting to kayak the length of the islands.

Sandy Robson is starting stage 2 of her 5 year expedition to retrace the footsteps of Oscar Speck. This year she plans to paddle from Turkey to India with expedition partner Jugoslav Rudovic (from Serbia). Oskar Speck set out in his folding kayak on the Danube River in 1932.  Seven years, 3 kayaks and 50 000km later, he landed in Australian waters. Sandy hopes to get home to her home waters in Australia following a similar route.

Norwegian paddlers Magnus and Lars are paddling from the South tip of Norway, Lindesnes to North Cape (Nordkapp), a distance of 2000km. The expedition is dedicated to Redningsselskapet, the Norwegian Sea Rescue Organization. Their blog is mostly in Norwegian.

A Hungarian kayaker is paddling around Europe. He plans to do it in 4 sections in 4 years. He started from Budapest on 14th of April and just reached the Black sea.

Amy and Dave Freeman are part way through a 3 year, 12,000 mile expedition across North America by canoe, kayak and dog sled. They are kayaking in the Great Lakes at the moment.

Matt Abbots, his wife & a friend are leaving next week on our way to Russia for a 3 month, 1300 mile circumnavigation of Lake Baikal.

Halldor Sveinbjornsson and Baldvin Kristjansson are attempting the first kayak journey across the Arctic Ocean from Iceland to Greenland later this Summer.

Shay Bickley, Chris Bensch & Jason Self have are on a 100 Mile Portland to Ocean Trashpedition collecting as much rubbish from the waterways as possible.

On 19th April, Mike Mayberry & Steve started their circumnavigation of Wales.

In New Zealand, Tara & Sim are about to start an attempt at the first Winter circumnavigation of the South island of New Zealand (and Stuart Island). Having paddled around the island in Summer – that was challenging enough so good luck to them!

Chris Duff has switched his kayak for a rowing boat that he made himself, and is attempting to row from Scotland to Iceland, via the Faroe Islands. He’s not been lucky with the weather so far.

Sarah Outen – who I kayaked from Russia to Japan with last year as part of her human-powered round the world trip has just left Japan in her rowing boat Gulliver. Next stop is hopefully Canada in 5-7 months time (although she may get pushed south into America). In the first week poor Sarah has had some challenging conditions – she’s already been rolled & sustained a bit of damage to one of her vents. I’ll be heading over to meet her around October, which I’m excited about.

A Portuguese team are rounding the Iberic Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) at the moment.

Paul and Marian, husband and wife, are the ‘Dutch paddlers’ who will try to paddle around Iceland starting on June 1st, hoping to become the first Dutch paddlers to do that.

If anyone knows of any other trips, please put them in the comments section!

There are lots of people kayaking around Great Britain this year..I already wrote about that… click here for a round up of those trips.

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