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PostHeaderIcon Sparkles and speed

I’ve neglected my sparkly new Atlantic LV recently, in favour of the sleek & speedy Rapier. So I took my glittery green girl out to the Swellies wave during the big Spring tides we’ve just enjoyed. After quite a few hours in the racing boat, I wondered how I’d find jumping onto dynamic water & having to edge & manoeuvre a kayak without the Rapier’s rudder.

In fact, I had my best ever surfing session on the Swellies. It turns out that trying something different doesn’t make you forget your original ways. In fact, I felt like time in a different sort of boat has made me more aware of how the water, the kayak & I interact. Edging the playful Atlantic LV was delightful after trying to go fast and straight in the Rapier. Conversely, back in the Rapier on Wednesday night, I found myself better able to edge while using the rudder to get across eddy lines. I had previously not been sure whether to edge, or not, and how much, but somehow it felt like I got the right balance after a return to the Atlantic LV.

Kayaking is such a wonderfully versatile & diverse sport. There is always something new to try & something you can improve at. It’s sure keeping my attention.

I should mention that if anyone in the UK wants to try an Atlantic LV, or other Northshore & Valley boats – they are running a series of demo days around the UK – see the advert below (that I scanned from Ocean Paddler magazine – thanks Richard!)

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