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PostHeaderIcon Green pebbles

Amlia Island is my new favourite of the Aleutians for scenery. Jagged spires, spikes, islands, arches and pinnacles decorate every headland and much of the coastline in between. The mist shrouding the dark peaks reminds me of gotham city and adds a sense of mystery, although I’d be very surprised if batman came swinging down! Broad bays break up the cliffy sections with steep brown slopes and a smattering of coarse black beaches.

It was another great day for wildlife with seals, a minke whale, an otter draped in kelp, a big sea lion jumping from the water and endless birds.

We are now camped on a lovely beach dotted with pretty green pebbles. I went for a little explore while Sarah had a sleep and watched 2 eagles playing in the sky.

The forecast is for never ending North Easterlies at the moment which is not helpful as we head East. We made 16 miles today and had a slightly earlier finish as Sarah wasn’t feeling on top form. If it’s similar strength wind tomorrow – 5-15 knots then we should reach the eastern end of Amlia, or at least as close to that as we are able to camp. We won’t be going any further until we have a different forecast as from there it’s about 32 nautical miles to our next campsite. The 15 mile wide Seguam pass lies between us and rocky Seguam Island. The pass had a reputation for rough water and the pilot says the current runs at over 4 knots at almost right angles to the direction we need to travel. We have an idea of when it will be going North or South but there are no available current tables so to some extent we will need to suck it and see. So weighing all that up; even 10 knots of headwind doesn’t really appeal. So we’ll wait and see what the weather brings!

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