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PostHeaderIcon Tiglax and Brownies!

Today was always going to be a short hop to the next island or a 30+ miler to Unga island. With a light easterly against us we opted for an earlier finish.The 18 mile crossing can wait until tomorrow when it’s meant to be NWerly.

Today’s exciting news is that we had visitors. The Tiglax, the fisheries and wildlife boat that called in to offer us breakfast and showers in lava cove all those weeks ago is on her way back to Homer. She passed us today and once more Captain Billy Pepper invited us aboard. Last time we were about to undertake our longest crossing of the trip so we turned down the shower and rushed off to go paddling. This time we gladly accepted. It was great to have a more relaxed chat with Billy and the crew and get a bit more advice on our route ahead from someone who has 30 years experience of these waters. Last, but definitely not least, on our crossing to Amukta we were kept going by a most delicious chocolate Brownie made by Ryan, the Tiglax chef. Since that day, Sarah has been known to say more than once “why did we only take one! ” Today by special request, we were given some more yummy Brownies to take back to our tent! There are plenty to keep us going tonight and on our 18 mi le
crossing tomorrow. Thank you Ryan, Billy and the crew! It was great to come aboard.

We’re now relaxing in the tent on a patch of grass and wild flowers above a lovely crescent of sand beach. Contorted columnar joined cliffs frame the bay. Birds are chirping in the background and we’re making pizza. Later we’ll go glass ball hunting on this bear-free island. And of course our great day will end with Brownies!

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