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Posts Tagged ‘greer’

PostHeaderIcon Cackle’s New Look

You may have noticed things look a little different around here.

We have finally unveilled a facelift that has been slowly taking shape over 6 months! When I started travelling a lot to film “This is Canoeing” I wanted to add webpages about the new DVD and the “Mountain River” trip that I went on. Derrick Mayoleth, who is the talent behind anything stylish on the website, suggested it was time for a complete overhaul instead. Needless to say we are both busy people and it took a lot longer than we’d hoped, but here it is and I hope you like it.

Much of the content is the same as before – the biggest change is the section on ‘canoeing’ and more specifically the new canoeing DVD, “This is Canoeing” which now has 2 exciting preview videos to watch, aswell as detailed information about all 12 films on the DVD. The double DVD disc set is released on March 12th, priced £19.99, US $29.95 or 25 Euros. You can pre-order it from my website, or ask you local store to make sure they stock it!!

We’ve got more socially interactive, with opportunities to follow our adventures on facebook, twitter, you tube and flickr, if you so desire!

I’ve added a few more video clips and moved them all to YouTube so they are accessible to more people, while still being embedded in the site. So if you go to the “This is the Sea 4” page then you can see all the video clips from that DVD. If you prefer you can browse “Justine Curgenven” channel on YouTube   or you can subscribe to so that you are notified if I add a new video.

There’s still a page where you can see what expeditions are going on at the moment, with links to the adventurers blogs and websites. If you know of a trip that’s not on this page then please get in touch. 

Mark Scriver, one of the worlds’ top whitewater canoeists has been added to the Paddlers Profile pages.

The RSS feed for the blog which has been broken for sometime is now fixed so you can follow the blog again if you want to.

The photos are of a paddle today in beautiful wintry sunshine with Barry and Greer to Puffin island.